



1998-2001  Boston College, School of Nursing, Ph.D.

1991-1994  The Catholic University of America, MSN.

1984-1986  Taipei Medical College, BSN.

1979-1984  National Taipei College of Nursing, AD program.


2004-2014     Associate Professor, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences 


2013-2014     Associate director of Nursing Department, NTUNHS.

2009-2013     Director of Health Center, NTUNHS.

2016~2020     Dean of the Student Affairs of Yuanpei University of Technology(元培醫事科技大學)

2020~2023    Director of Nursing Department, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology

2024.01-2024.07 Dean of the Student Affairs of Yuanpei University of Technology


1. Yung-Fang Liou, Yue-Cune Chang, Jen-Jiuan Liaw, Pay-Fan Lin (2022). Perceived importance of competencies by nurse managers atall levels: A cross-sectional study. Nursing management,

2. Chung Meng-Ju, Lin Pay-Fan, Guo Huau-Dao, He Yu-Shiue (2018). Improvement of  depression and anxiety in patients with chronic mental illness using  aromatherapy. International Journal of clinical aromatherapy,13(2), 17-27.

3. S.M. Zhan, P.F. Lin, C.J. Chen, C.Y, Chen (2015). Comparison of Weight loss outcome of overweight adolescents between cognitive behavior therapy and behavior therapy: Literature review, Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research, 11(4), 317-329.


1. P.F. Lin (2023). Investigate outcome and Influence Factors of Interprofessional course among Medical-Nursing College Students. 2023 International Council of Nurses   

     Congress. Canada: Montreal.

2. P.F. Lin (2022). Apply Interprofessional Education Improving Interprofessional Communication and Implementation Competencies Among Medical-Nursing

     College Students. The 7th International Nursing Research Conference of WANS.   Taipei.

3. P.F. Lin, C.H. Liou.(2021). Evaluate the Outcome of Interprofessional Education among freshmen of Medical College by Krickpatric Evaluation Model, 2021

     International Council of Nurses Congress. The United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi. (Oral presentation)

4. Pay-Fan Lin (2020). Evaluate the Outcome of Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration among Students of Medical College by Applying Interprofessional  

     Education.2019 Academic Year Teaching Application Research conference. Taiwan : Taipei.


2018-2019 PMN107056發展並評價合作學習第四代拼圖教學法應用於大學層級護理研究概論之學習成效

2019-2020 PMN1080054跨專業教育對增進醫護學院學生跨專業溝通與合作能力之成效

2021-2022 PMN1100695運用跨專業教育與設計思考策略提升醫護學院學生跨專業溝通與實踐能力

2022-2023 PMN1110155發展及評價跨領域素養導向課程設計對大學護理學生同理與批判性思考能力的成效

2023-2024 PMN1122223運用STEAM理論與教學模式提升大學層級社區衛生護理課程學習成效


Committee member of The Center of Excellence, Leadership Training Taskforce, Taiwan Nurses Association.



Graduated from ICN Global Nursing Leadership Institute (GNLI) Class 2019.


International Nurses Council(ICN) Leadership for Change certified Trainer.



Member of Review Board (Travel and Health) , Ministry of Examination, ROC.


元智大學攜手亞東醫院,共同籌備建置「醫護學院」,並指定亞東醫院作為本校醫護學院的主要教學醫院。本系因應時代趨勢,將護理教育的培育目標聚焦於-培育符合國家社會與醫療實務環境需求,並能被病人及家屬所信任且稱職的基層護理專業人才。此外, 結合程式語言與英語的雙語學程及國際交流等課程, 培育兼具雙語 (程式語言與英語) 能力及國際觀,且擁有領導風範,能提供以人為本,有溫度又有專業力的智慧護理照護人才。